Case Studies

Case Studies   Case of Barlow’s syndrome with prolapse of a2 & p2 cups of Mitral valve with severe mitral regurgitation Nov 7, 2023Case of Barlow’s syndrome with prolapse of a2 & p2 cups of Mitral valve with severe mitral regurgitation  Case of...
About Impella

About Impella

LATEST NEWS. About Impella.   IMPELLA, the world’s smallest heart pump is the only non-surgical heart pump FDA-approved for patients undergoing high-risk PCI and those with cardiogenic shock. The Impella heart pump helps ensure blood flow is maintained to...

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to the The administration of (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) is committed to protecting your privacy on the Internet. We attach great importance to the protection...
A Paradigm Shift in Cardiology

A Paradigm Shift in Cardiology

LATEST NEWS. A Paradigm Shift in Cardiology.   FDA Approves TAVR for Low-risk Patients Creates A Paradigm Shift in CardiologyFDA Approves TAVR valves for low-risk patients, TAVR now available for all patients with severe, symptomatic aortic stenosis Left, is an...
The smallest pacemaker

The smallest pacemaker

LATEST NEWS. The world’s smallest pacemaker.   Unlike most pacemakers that are placed in the patient’s chest with leads running to the heart, Micra is implanted directly into the patient’s heart. Less invasive — Micra is placed in the heart via a vein in...

Permanent pacemaker implantation

CARDIAC INTERVENTIONS Permanent pacemaker implantation (PPI)   WHAT IS A PACEMAKER?If you have a condition called bradycardia, otherwise known as a slow heartbeat, you and your doctor may decide an implantable heart device called a pacemaker is the right option...

Cardiac resynchronization therapy

CARDIAC INTERVENTIONS Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT)   CRT is a clinically proven treatment option for some individuals with heart failure. A CRT device sends small electrical impulses to both lower chambers of the heart to help them beat together in a...